1869: History Experience Part I

Other Titles:
1869: Erlebte Geschichte Teil 1 / 1869 – Hart am Wind! / 1869 – Erlebte Geschichte Teil I / 1869: Hart am Wind!
Max Design
Amiga (OCS) / PC (DOS) / PC (VGA)
Business / Historical / Multiplayer / Nautical / Logistics
German / English

Thoughts by Mr Creosote (13 Nov 2021) – Amiga (OCS)

The Patrician, covering the Hanseatic League, had just been released out of inland Germany when just few months later, things turned even more absurd when 1869, a game about worldwide maritime trade in the age of imperialism, arrived from provincial Austria. Which you wouldn’t have guessed if there weren’t these small in-jokes (check the description of Trieste), the game being polished through and through. Hard to believe this was the work of newcomers to the business. Though then, this was of course still the age of the bedroom coder.

Beautiful ship, but no haggling allowed
Beautiful ship, but no haggling allowed

You send your ships around the globe on a nicely drawn world map. Or rather, at first, it is just a washed-up little barge. You transport goods from port to port, hoping to sell them for a profit elsewhere. Though the naive baseline to just look for a higher selling than buying price is obviously not sufficient, as running costs for crew, taxes, repairs etc. have to be considered. As common since those times, there is no deeper purpose to any of this. In purely capitalist fashion the player who earns most money within the pre-set timeframe (5 – 25 years) wins.

The choice of historical period is rather smart. True worldwide trade was only just emerging at the time. It was an age of large-scale commercially motivated wars – the American civil war, the opium wars – but also of industrial revolution, like the eponymous opening of the Suez Canal or the gradual triumph of steam ships. The game simulates this highly volatile world meticulously through a set of predefined events.

100 bags of silk, please
100 bags of silk, please

Attractive graphics and menus in multiple choice adventure style make for an inviting first impression. Only the controls can become a bit cumbersome in places. Sending out a ship, for example, requires an unintuitive sequence of left and right mouse clicks, and keeping an overview over the balance sheets with all their various options isn’t exactly trivial, either. At least it works well enough once routine has set in.

The very high difficulty level, on the other hand, is much harder to stomach on the long run. Running a profitable business is unfortunately not just a matter of intensive study, planning and talent. On top, you are expected to perform quite some busywork, diligently noting down price sheets of all ports. Though even after that, you will at some point realize that profit margins on regular trade routes are simply too small. Under otherwise perfect conditions, they are just enough to cover running costs.

Might as well give up now
Might as well give up now

The only thing really giving a major injection to the company account is taking on special missions or reacting to global events. Shipping weapons to crisis regions yields high profits if you can sneak past the warships. Tea deliveries to London are almost as profitable, but (particularly before existence of the Suez Canal) the distance from India is large and the goods are highly perishable. Everything promising real profits is also highly risky.

Which makes a lot of sense, but in-game implementation is hardly adequate. War blockades are completely out of the player’s control – running them is a pure game of chance. Wind and current maps to optimize travel times have been packed into the box at least. On top of that, different quality crews can be hired, the captains can be given orders how to treat the sailors. Looks like sufficient room to influence travel time, right? In theory, yes. It’s just that the effect of such settings isn’t comprehensible, which makes the over-abundance of detailed options and combinations of each even more absurd.

A history book will tell you when this war will end
A history book will tell you when this war will end

On top of this, as volatile the world state may appear to be at first, it is really just statically plannable, fixed events. A real simulation of the world is not part of the game. Writing down all prices asked and paid per port is only useful, because they are static throughout. You may think delivering large amounts of the same wares should decrease their price over time in this port, but no, the only effect is that trade will be temporarily stopped completely. Just to be taken up again at the old price few days later.

A high difficulty level is not by itself a cause for complaint. In case of 1869, however, it is all for the wrong reasons. The basic world settings are too fierce and random bad luck strikes too severely. The breadth of actually relevant, strategic planning decisions made by the player is – hidden behind a smoke screen – paper thin. 1869 is a game which offers a lot of beautiful tapestry, but it fails at its own gameplay-relevant core.

Archived Thoughts

Thoughts by Mr Creosote (06 Nov 2005) – Amiga (OCS)

In late 1992, two trading simulations were competing for the (German / European) market: Der Patrizier (also know as The Patrician abroad) and 1869. The latter came a little later (wow…) and it was generally considered the loser in this direct duel by the press. Only by a small margin, though – a very good second place.

Shortly thereafter, the game sailed into my home. It needed 1MB RAM which my Amiga wasn’t equipped with at that time, but just a few more days later, I was finally able try myself at making a fortune in the historic period of imperialism. Ok, first steps: buy a used ship, hire a crew, buy some cheap goods, sail to another port of the world and sell the stuff there for (hopefully) more money. Sounds easy enough. Half an hour later, I was broke and the game was over.

Ok, he was younger then, and it was his first try, you’re thinking. Problem is, every single try went like this. Including the one right before writing this review. Because the game is just too damn hard. Impossibly hard.

What you basically get is pretty standard fare: Each port has cheap surplus goods as well as the ones they need and will pay high sums for. Everything else, they’ll still buy, but only for very low prices. Problem is, the profit margins are so small in almost all cases that they’re hardly enough to pay for the crew and keeping the ship in one piece.

Special ‘missions’ promise to come to the rescue. London is in desperate need for tea? Sail to China or India and get back before the goods get stale. Odessa is under siege? Deliver weapons and get rich. Or have your only ship fall into the hands of the military which was blocking the port.

So, the normal trading routes aren’t profitable enough and the special ones are risky or take a very long time. Not a big chance for success (blatant understatment).

All that is very sad, because not everything about the game is bad. The graphics are excellent. All the locations of each port are shown in Adventure style, accompanied by fitting multiple choice menus. A very nice touch.

The same can’t be said about the rest of the controls, unfortunately. On the world map, where you control your ships and enter ports, the required clicking procedures are totally unintuitive. Right-clicking on the ship, left-clicking on the port…. whatever?

With the economic model being pretty much impossible to master, it’s very unfortunate that 1869 concentrates fully on it. There’s no other sideline the player can concentrate on, like the poltical branch in Der Patrizier or Die Fugger 2. So the player is doomed to fail on the trading, with no distration of a more interesting nature.

Question: What made the professional reviewers give out such good ratings in 1992? Status: Unresolved.

Thoughts by MasterLee (18 Apr 2015) – PC (VGA)

In 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born. To be able to visit him faster from England, the Suez Canal, connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, was opened the same year. In 1869, Austria was still located at the Mediterranean Sea. Today, Austria is not located at the Mediterranean Sea anymore, but this is not related to Max Design having gone under. Though exactly this Max Design selected the year 1869 as the title of one of their games, because the Suez Canal is so important for shipping. The game is less concerned with Gandhi, apart from the fact that it is fairly free of violence.

But what is this game really about? For a start, you receive some money. You can get more from the bank. With this money, you first buy a used ship. Later, you can also buy new ones, but this is not profitable enough at the start and also, delivery will take longer. Of course, there are some things to consider about the ships, like the material of the hull, size of the cargo bay and required sailors.

Even more important for later planning is the type of ship. There are sailing ships and steam boats. The latter only have a limited range. However, you don’t need to consider the wind which is documented on an extra map in the game. In addition, there is a map showing currents. Remember: Going against the wind or against the current is not so easy.

After ordering a ship, we have to hire sailors in the pub. Now we have to wait a couple of days. Then we buy some goods which we then try to flog in the colonies. Textiles always work. In the colonies, we buy things like exotic woods or rubber which we sell off in Europe. At some point, we then have more money for a bigger ship or to open stores in other cities. Or we go bust, because we couldn’t afford to constantly repair the ship, or because we got all our money confiscated when we tried to enter a port where there was unrest.

Concerning the presentation, the game is kept fairly simple. Half of the time, you click on some sentences in the bottom half of the screen while the upper half is graced by hand-drawn graphics. By the way, apart from entering the player, company and file names, the keyboard is never needed; everything can be controlled with the mouse alone. And thanks to the low resolution of 320x200 pixels, all important buttons are well usable on Android tablets (under Dosbox). For each section like bank/wharf/office, there is different music; in the offices, it is even different depending on the continent. This, like the graphics, is fairly well done, even if or maybe because it is only Adlib. The music can be inspected in more detail using the Adlib Tracker 2.



Amiga (OCS)

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Amiga (OCS)

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Gameplay (MS-DOS)

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