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Posted at 22:22 on July 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Ah! Brilliant, thanks.

[i]Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.[/i]

Posted at 22:16 on July 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
My strategy was to think what happened in the real world in those years and then, what could have been turned into the a game. E.g. 1816: Argentine independence war; Frankenstein published; King Shaka ascends to Zulu throne. 1716: Austrian-Ottoman war.

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 21:57 on July 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Erm... sure, but i mean how do you know which game to pick in the first place. Now i will have to remember games which have passing time with annual change...

[i]Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.[/i]

Posted at 20:03 on July 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Originally posted by Moebius at 17:13 on July 2nd, 2016:
set in a year ending with 16 (e.g. 2016, 1016, 2116, 1816, etc.)

How do i actually find THAT? I still don't get it how you managed to fill it out and kill two birds with one stone while still contributing to flight theme. But the real question is: how did you find out the game is set in ..16? I don't know any games like that and even if i did i probably wouldn't recall the date they are set in.

How do you find out? Well, for instance like this:


Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Edited by Mr Creosote at 20:05 on July 2nd, 2016
Posted at 17:13 on July 2nd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Now, a few more questions regarding the criteria for the game challenge.

set in a year ending with 16 (e.g. 2016, 1016, 2116, 1816, etc.)

How do i actually find THAT? I still don't get it how you managed to fill it out and kill two birds with one stone while still contributing to flight theme. But the real question is: how did you find out the game is set in ..16? I don't know any games like that and even if i did i probably wouldn't recall the date they are set in.

with an infamous reputation

Could you give me an example? Anything i can really think of falls under adult category for some reason. I could probably do Leisure Suit Larry 1, whose AGI version i never actually finished, but i do mind beranmuden who's quite a bit into Sierra's oldies, so i'm still open for any alternative.

[i]Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.[/i]

Posted at 15:25 on April 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Originally posted by Moebius at 12:58 on April 20th, 2016:
Heh, nailed it in 5 days. Soon to be reviewed.

If it's half as interesting as Herr M.'s diary, I'm definitely looking forward to it :)

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 12:58 on April 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Heh, nailed it in 5 days. Soon to be reviewed.

[i]Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.[/i]

Posted at 22:02 on April 13th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
I think i'm gonna change that Batman Forever to Judge Dredd, seems a lot more attractive at this point.

[i]Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.[/i]

Posted at 19:33 on April 3rd, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Avoid repetition at all cost.
- Rule #3 from the 101 of Game Design

I didn't give up on Soul Reaver and by now it is starting to pay off. I have reached that sweet spot of the game where I have mastered the controls and gained enough of the powers to manage almost any thinkable situation. So I became a bit adventurous and started exploring, which really pays of in this game, since there are lots of hidden levels which you would not even know if you didn't do a bit of side tracking. Funny thing is, that some of those bonus levels are even better than the normal ones.

Speaking of which: There was one point where I almost gave up again. A sunken abbey which features lots of precision jumping. And missing a platform means dropping all the way down to the beginning of the level and doing all those jumps all over again. I must have done the earlier parts of this section about two dozen times until I finally got a grasp on the fly-jump controls.

-) If you want to glide over a chasm position your self in a straight line to your target and jump and glide without pressing anything else. So no running forward or trying to correct your course mid flight.
-) Don't forget that you can high jump and glide.
-) There are buttons for turning the camera, you just have to search for them in the config menu.
-) Don't use an analogue gamepad or joystick, because Raziel won't stop running. Use some kind of tool that binds certain keys to gamepad buttons/axes.

OK, I guess I am nearing the final section of the game, since there are only two of the about a dozen save points left. Actually it is kind of funny how fond I grew of the game after all those years of indifference.

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Edited by Herr M. at 19:35 on April 3rd, 2016
Posted at 17:51 on March 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete | Delete Attachment
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Well, finally got round to it and picked a game: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver will be my 'tried twice but didn't finish it' attempt.

Let's start wit a bit of personal history: This one was part of a games collection I got sometime around the millennium. I have vague memories of having heard of it before that, but nothing stands out quite like that moment when me and my sisters watched the intro and started laughing at all the 'gothicness' and homoeroticism of it all. Yet it did have a nice atmosphere, very dark and moody and all that soul eating stuff sounded rather cool after all. And Re:Sounding: The voice acting was (and actually still is) top notch. Nevertheless I got bored after the first couple of areas, probably because there where lots of other games in said collection, which seemed a lot more promising.

Around a year passed until I gave it another try and played it a bit more serious and for a while longer. Still I did not get past that cathedral level, getting stuck in a room with pipes, having no clue how to move on. Well, that was back in the day when you did (or could) not look up all the solutions to each and every problem with you games on the Internet, so it was either hours of searching for the missing detail or giving up on it again. For reasons I cannot quite remember I decided to do the latter.

So here I am, about 15 years later, starting it up again. And I am actually quite surprised: For one the graphics held up really well (this being a game that is almost 20 years old, form an era where everything in 3d looked horribly blocky) and for two the English voice acting is horribly dull. Lucky me though: I found my copy of days of yore and with a bit of tinkering I have the overly dramatic German dub again. It pulls me right in and I am jumping, slashing and pushing my way right through the desolate wastes of Nosgoth… I even come to that cathedral again, determined to move on… I think I am covering new grounds, until the game crashes… and my last save was two hours ago, thanks to those stupid save points mechanisms.

But I will not give up. :)
Attachment: *****

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 17:33 on February 26th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
My entry as a game set in a year ending in -16: Dawn Patrol.

My entry as a game I tried at least twice before, but never finished: Ancient Domains of Mystery.

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 20:05 on January 20th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
First things first: I tried to keep the points a bit vague, so have to be a bit creative on how to fulfil them. ;)

But let's try to get into a bit more detail:
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 08:31 on January 15th, 2016:
Where does

someone you know in person

begin? Met in person once? Acquaintance you see occasionally? Good friend you meet every week? Colleague you see every day at work? Life partner?

At least an acquaintance. Someone you know by name and have met (in real life) more than once.

Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 10:22 on January 16th, 2016:
What does this mean? I should use the "random game" link and just pick what I get? I assume it should be "use 'random' until a game not reviewed by myself appears"? Or are there any other means or "random selection"?

The exact method is up to you, the only criteria is, that there is a random element (no matter whether it's a roll of a die, dart throw, a random number generator or the actual random game link) and you stick with it.

Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 10:22 on January 16th, 2016:
Are you implying that the game needs to be finished this time around?

Yep, you have to make it all through to the end this time.

Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 10:22 on January 16th, 2016:
Third, what kind of coverage do you expect for each game?

Absolute minimum: 100 words plus a screenshot to prove that you played the game. Plus the text(s) should include the reason why you picked this game and somehow reflect your experience, so no copy&paste of a random blurb or only general description. Of course, the more the better.

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 10:22 on January 16th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Three more questions:

found on this site picked at random

What does this mean? I should use the "random game" link and just pick what I get? I assume it should be "use 'random' until a game not reviewed by myself appears"? Or are there any other means or "random selection"?

you started at least twice but never finished … until now

Are you implying that the game needs to be finished this time around? It's not really clear.

Third, what kind of coverage do you expect for each game? Full review equivalent? Some small comments on the forum? A specifically written article per game focusing on the aspect it was selected for? Oh, and please don't say "it's in the text" – I'm asking how extensive the work should be (minimum) per game.

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Edited by Mr Creosote at 21:08 on January 17th, 2016
Posted at 08:31 on January 15th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Where does

someone you know in person

begin? Met in person once? Acquaintance you see occasionally? Good friend you meet every week? Colleague you see every day at work? Life partner?

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 19:32 on January 12th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 09:10 on January 8th, 2016:
Frage: Ist es akzeptabel, mehrere Punkte der Liste mit ein und dem selben Spiel abzudecken?

Steht an und für sich in den Regeln: Nein, ich würde sagen, jedes Spiel kann nur für einen Punkt angerechnet werden (auch wenn es mehrere erfüllen sollte). Es müssen also tatsächlich 16 Spiele gespielt werden, was aber über ein Jahr verteilt aber durchaus machbar sein sollte. ;)

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 09:10 on January 8th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Frage: Ist es akzeptabel, mehrere Punkte der Liste mit ein und dem selben Spiel abzudecken?

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 16:25 on January 7th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 22:12 on January 4th, 2016:
Was geschieht in der Zwischenzeit? Soll man nach erledigten Punkten jeweils einen Zwischenstatus geben? Oder auch sagen, was geplant oder in Arbeit ist?

Ersteres sollte genügen (wenn die ersten Reviews eintreffen werde ich auch mal schauen die Zwischenergebnisse wo zu sammeln und zu posten, eventuell im ersten Post dieses Threads). Zweiteres macht die Sache allerdings eventuell spannender und ist vielleicht zur Inspiration nützlich (oder falls wer ein Diskussions-Review starten will).

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 22:12 on January 4th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11407
Originally posted by Herr M. at 21:32 on January 4th, 2016:
Originally posted by Linki05 at 05:16 on January 4th, 2016:
Hm.... Wie lange hat man denn Zeit diese Punkte abzuarbeiten?

Da hatte ich den 31.12.2016 angedacht, da folgt nämlich die große Auswertung und Zusammenfassung.

Was geschieht in der Zwischenzeit? Soll man nach erledigten Punkten jeweils einen Zwischenstatus geben? Oder auch sagen, was geplant oder in Arbeit ist?

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 21:32 on January 4th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Originally posted by Linki05 at 05:16 on January 4th, 2016:
Hm.... Wie lange hat man denn Zeit diese Punkte abzuarbeiten?

Da hatte ich den 31.12.2016 angedacht, da folgt nämlich die große Auswertung und Zusammenfassung.

Originally posted by Moebius at 17:31 on January 2nd, 2016:
I guess i'm in... :)

Great, I knew you would. ;)

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Edited by Herr M. at 21:32 on January 4th, 2016
Posted at 05:16 on January 4th, 2016 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Bachelor Gumby
Posts: 73
Hm.... Wie lange hat man denn Zeit diese Punkte abzuarbeiten?

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Wortart: Substantiv, maskulin oder Substantiv, Neutrum[/i]

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