

Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Morkin II (1992) here!


Heh, wow... I personally know the creator of this game, known him for years in fact, and presently he's working on a new project. Didn't expect you to review that, and actually just recently i showed him this game stuck randomly in a huge torrent collection. Peculiar.

Mr Creosote

Well, it's a pity that he probably won't believe that I chose the game without you nagging… though maybe it can be seen from my track record that I do have a weakness for small semi-amateur games with good ideas :)


No, he's pretty unprejudiced, and when i showed him this post he simply said "it's brilliant" :) Actually, i've linked him this site before just to show some of my reviews. He's from the UK, so he's more than familiar with Spectrum as you may guess. And yes, i was worried myself that he might think it was me who advertised the game to you. :)


Personally I like simple games very much. This sort of games that doesn't come with a huge overload of sounds and graphics and still are a lot of fun. So practically I would never play Chaos Reborn. Instead this little gem here is the right amount of entertainment I'm looking for. So my question to Moebius: This project of the author you are talking about, is it still current?


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