Dangerous Streets

Micromania / Flair Software
Amiga (AGA)
Fighting / Humour / Multiplayer
Median Rating:

Thoughts by Mr Creosote (20 May 2017) – Amiga (AGA)

When Dangerous Streets was originally released, it was the only fighting game on the CD32. What an opportunity, being the first in a popular genre on a new game console! Unfortunately, I cannot get that version to run, so I’ll be examining the A1200 floppy version instead. The eight selectable fighters are of the superhero kind. It’s somewhat surprising that nobody had a go at this theme in this genre before, it’s such a perfect match!

Appropriately, the move set leans towards the spectacular. “Regular” moves are almost in the minority compared to “special” ones, ranging from flaming fists to transformation of the whole character into some monster. Which could make fights a marvel to behold. Could. Why?

First, the large sprites are quite badly animated. All movement looks choppy and stilted. Backgrounds are few and amateurishly painted. Second, this version forces its player to decide between either having music or sound effects. Huh? When two identical opponents meet (as common in the genre), there is no way to tell the two apart. Though this isn’t even the reason why it once happened that I won a game thinking I was the other character (if something like this happens, the gameplay should really be re-drafted…).

As it happens the game is ridiculously buggy. In “tournament” mode, which is the default in other genre games, i.e. the one where you meet one opponent after another, you have to re-select your own character for some reason after each victory. Though this doesn’t even have any effect then; you’ll actually continue with your original choice. On the upper part of the screen at least; the bottom, displaying the stats, show the new selection. This apparently mixes some internal variables up so that even the opponents are suddenly also the wrong ones. Which was how I missed whom I was controlling at one point.

In the end, this doesn’t matter so much, however. Even without technical issues, Dangerous Streets would simply be a fighting game with bad playability. At one point, it was even bundled with new CD32 hardware. What a way to convince buyers they have made a grave mistake wasting their money on this machine…


Amiga (AGA)

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Amiga (AGA)

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