
An interactive gothic by Michael S. Gentry
Release 5 / Serial number 990206 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/7

The Complete Step-by-Step Walkthru with score-notification by Aeron Pax.

Note: Some variables change from game to game...
 - Torn Journal (the combination to the safe).
 - Strange metal flute (correct attunation).
 - Blueprint & Mirror rack (the correct measurement).

DAY 1:
Se. Push can against wall. Climb can. Up. West. Push play.
East. Look up Verlac (2p). West. Unlock Door. West. West.
West. NW. West. Read book. Show keys to Michael (2p). East.
SE. East. South. South. East. South. SW. NW. Unlock door.
Close door. Lock door. Up. North. Undress. Drop all. West.
Bathe. East. Lie in bed. Sleep.

DAY 2:
Look. Get wallet. Open it. Get card. Leave bed. Dress.
Get all. Wear coat. South. Down. West. Open cupboard.
Pull lining (2p). Read journal. [Note the combination to the safe.]
North. Get flashlight. Open Cabinet. Get matches. Turn on flashlight.
NW. Get broom. Unlock door. Down. South. Search crates. Get box.
Read clippings. [You should know learn the following names of the
Verlac family: Mordecai, Elijah, Heinrich & Wilhelm.] Drop cardboard
box. Wipe web. Drop broom. Get key (1p). Put key on keyring. North. Up. SE.
East. East. Look at paintings. Look at scene. South. Get album. Look up 
Wilhelm in album. Look up Eustacia in album. Look up Croseus in album.
West. Up. East. North. Get volume. Read it. Look at bookshelf. 
Get Poe (1p). Examine safe. [ Now "turn the dial to x", three times,
where x equals the appropriate combination found in the torn journal.
This opens the safe - (2p).] Look in safe. Get puzzle box and flute.
South. South. Open jewelry box. Get silver locket. Push bed. 
Look in hole. Get pages (2p). Read pages. [You learn the name William.]
North. West. Down. North. West. Unlock door. North. NW. Unlock crypt.
Down. Examine coffin. Look up William on nameplate. Open William's coffin.
Get skull. Up. SE. South. Close door. Lock door. East. South. Unlock door.
South. SE. NE. North. West. Get newspaper. Read it. South. South. SE.
Look up Edward in record. Look up Mordecai in record. Look up Elijah in
record. Look up Heinrich in record. Look up Wilhelm in record. NW. SW.
Look up Edward in record. Look up Mordecai in Record. Look up Elijah in
record. Look up Heinrich in record. [You seem to be uncovering a pattern
here;] Look up Wilhelm in record. NW. North. North. North. North. West.
NW. West. North. Ring bell. Show card to librarian. Ask librarian for
book (2p). Open Historical. Get slip of paper. Read it. Read Historical
(1p). Drop it. South. East. SE. East. North. Get Lantern. South. Look 
under table. Get flask. South. NW. Read wall. West. South. Look in display
case. Ask proprietor about amulet (5p). Give puzzle box to him (2p).
Get puzzle box. North. East. SW. South. South. East. East. Give flask to bum
(2p). Ask bum about himself. Ask bum about brother. Ask bum about Anna. 
Ask bum about crypt. Tell bum about skull. Show skull to bum. 
Give amulet to bum (5p). 

Put copper key on keyring. SE. Get tin. NW. West. South. SW. NW. North.
[Michael is missing.] Close door. Up. East. North. East. Get letter opener.
Look at screen. Remove ring. Look at it. Wear it. Type 0628 on laptop (2p).
Look at screen. West. South. Pull cord. Up. Push newspaper under door.
Put letter opener in keyhole. Get newspaper. Get brass key (1p). Put brass
key on keyring. Unlock door. North. Search straw. Get gold locket. South.
Down. West. North. West. Get towel. East. Undress. Drop all. Lie in bed. Sleep.

DAY 3:
Leave bed. Dress. Wear coat. Get all. South. East. North. East. Look at
fireplace. Turn sphere. SW. West. Look in hole. East. Look in hole. NW.
Look in hole (2p). SW. SE. Put lens in telescope [the disk in the puzzle box].
Look in telescope (5p). [You've learned then name: Ialdabaoloth.] SE. East.
Down. West. Down. North. West. NW. Down. East. Search wine rack. 
[By examining the five bottles, you find 5 different letters.]
Turn c. Turn w. Turn h. Turn e. Turn m (2p). [A secret passage to the north.]
North. North. North. NE. Down. Say ialdabaoloth. North.
[Now you must attune the flute until you hear the right-hand column's
vibrations grow stronger, resonating in harmony with the note of the flute.
The flute's attunation changes with each time you restart the game, so
follow this procedure: Play flute. Cover hole 1. Play flute. Remove finger
from flute. Cover hole 2. Play flute. etc.. Continue with this, covering
one hole at a time until you have found two different settings on the flute
which ressonates in harmony with the column - Remember them for later! 
Ie. if the columns resonate with the flute when you have covered hole 3 and
hole 5 - You should cover both hole 3 and 5 on the flute, before playing
to summon the portal to The Womb of Nehilim, but don't do this ...yet.]
South. Up. SW. NW. East. Down. West. Down. South. SE. NE. South. South. 
Look at woods. West. SW. West. Get drawing paper. Get Hook. South. Lift
plywood cover. Down. Search bones. Get Teddy. Up. North. East. South. Down.
Hide under bones. Wait (2p). Up. Up. North. East. NE. East. North. East. SE.
Break padlock with hook (1p). Down. Look at shape. Search shape. Put steel key
on keyring. Look at furnace. Open hatch. West. [If you lantern is burning,
now is a good time to "extinguish lantern".] Put all in pocket. Jump onto
riser. North. Get cloth. East. Read huge tome. [At the question "Will you
read on?" - Answer "no".] East. Up. Up. Get rope. Down. West. West. South.
Drop robe in shaft. Tie rope to railing. Down. Drop rope (2p). Light flashlight.
[If the flashlight fails to work - Drop it, light a match and light the lantern.]
Get robe. NW. North. North. Open tin. Put oil on hatch. Open hatch. Up. East.
West. NW. East. Unlock drawer. Open drawer (2p). Get all from drawer.
Read letter. Put bronze key on keyring. West. West. West. North. West. North.
[Remember that newspaper-article - If the kidnapped boy (Jeffrey Greer) was
abducted from #11 Mill Town Road, this is the door you should knock on.]
Knock on door 11. Give teddy to woman (2p). Look in overalls. Get long steel
key (1p). Put it on keyring. West. South. South. Search thicket. Unlock hatch.
Get lantern. [from your coat's pocket] North. [The flashlight doesn't work.]
Light match. Light lantern. Put towel on valve. Turn wheel (1p). North. North.
Open hatch. Wait. Wait. North. Tie chain to me. Look at controls. Pull lever (2p).
Untie chain. North. Read notes. Get caliper. Get memo. Get Blueprint. Read it.
[The blueprint hold two numbers: "0.0113" and a variable, that changes each time
you restart the game. Now you need to find the mirror from the mirror rack that 
measures the same as the variable-number, this is done by: Get mirror 1.
Put it in caliper. (If the number is wrong, drop it, and continue this procedure
with all 4 mirrors - One of them has the same measure as the blueprint variable.
Hold on to this mirror but drop all the others). Let's assume from this point
onwards that the correct mirror is mirror #4.] 
Get mirror 4. Put it in caliper. [We have a match!] Open tin. Rub oil on mirror 4.
South. Down. Jump off equipment. South. South. South. South. NE. East.
[Now you spot Michael by the lighthouse.] East. NE. East. Up. Down. [Ouch!]

Break door. Break door. Get glass. Look at window pane. Put glass in crack.
Cut jacket with glass (2p). Open closet. Wear coat. Get all from closet. South.
South. Unlock west door. Open it. West. Look in tear. Get town square (2p).
Read it. Get needle. East. South. [A madman approaches..] South. Down. 
Get lantern [from your coat's pocket]. Light match. Light lantern. North. North.
Get magazine. Give magazine to madman. Get large key. Put it in keyring. Unlock
gate. North. North (2p). [the madman escapes] North. Remove coat. Wear robe.
East. Wait (x5) [until a small, shiny object falls out of the bum's clothes.]
Look. Put all in pocket. Get amulet (2p). North. Give gold locket to creature.
Hit creature with hook (2p). North. West. North. East. NE. Unlock door. Open it.
East. Up. Look at device. Get real mirror. Wait. Wait.  Give mirror 4 to Michael.
[The Island of Flesh.] Wait (x9) [until the people start fleeing from the island.]
(5p). Pick cuffs with needle. Free boy (5p). West. SW. SW. West. West. North.
Wait. South. East. South. East. South. South. Touch obelisk. Show ring to Michael
(5p). Show amulet to Michael (5p). [Remember the last time you were in the 
Burial Mound - Now attune the flute like you did back then, ie. "cover hole 3". 
"cover hole 5" and..] Play flute (15).

Go north. Get test. Look at little window.

--You have won... for now-- 

In this game you scored 100 out of possible 100 points!


Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Anchorhead (1998) here!


So which interpreter is required and where do you get it?

Let's see ... it's written in zcode (version 8), anchor.z8 is available at

Although curiously "Anchorhead: Special Edition Demo" the prelude to Anchorhead is written in glulx. Find AnchorheadDemo.gblorb at

Anyway, it looks a good game, time to download.

Mr Creosote

Whoops... I knew I forgot something...

Yes, the game is in Z-Code, so Frotz (or any other appropriate interpreter) will do. A link to various Frotz versions can be found in the Frotz entry in the applications section.

Both Z-Code and Glulx can be generated using the Inform language by the way, so it isn't too surprising the two overlap at times :)


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