
   ____________/\        /\      ________________________/\__________________
   \          /  \      /  \     \     \         \      /  \       \        /
   /         /   /     /   /     /     /         /     /   /       /       /
  /    /    /   /___  /   /___  /     /    /    /         /   ____/   ____/
 /         /   /    \/   /    \/     /         /         /       /      /
/     /   /         /         /     /     /   /   /     /       /   ___/
\    /___/\________/\________/\    /\    /___/\  /_____/\______/      /
 \  /                          \  /  \  /      \/           \________/Ci
  \/                            \/    \/
                              -+(*- PRESENT -*)+-

                 Air Support from Psygnosis - Complete Docs

The aim of this introduction is twofold: To provide SimTech
trainees with an informed account of the reasons and methods
by which Military SimTech Command was establishe, and to 
ensure that they are fully aware of the importance of the
post to which they aspire.

The Twentieth century was a catalog of major conflict in the
Northern Hemisphere; was between the non-unified European 
states, was between Europeans and Asia, the standoff between
the United States and the Soviet Union, and struggles for 
power in the old Middle Eastern Countries. Southern 
Hemisphere battles were largely localised; mostly civil
wars or pockets of violence between poorly armed nations.

The termination of the cold war at the end of the last
century coupled with the establishment of the Sino-American
Alliance (1998), the Federal European Alliance (1999) and
the Asian accord (2002), all paved the way for the Northern
Defence treaty in 2004. This treaty effectively allied the
military strength of all the First World nations in the 
North to those of Australia in the South. A Southern 
Alliance was hard to follow - but it did so in 2011, 
alledgedly as a response to commercial, social and political
exploitation by the North. The North`s response was to halt
the increasing flow of economic and other migrants from the 
South, to freeze financial aid, and to ban all trade with the
Third World countries. The resulting inflation, poverty and
decline in variety of goods in the North is recorded
elsewhere - suffice it to say that the state of the Cold
War which now exists between the two hemispheres began at
that time.

Nonetheless, because of the impossibility of preventing the
secret trading of arms and information, the South has ben able
to equip itself with an unknown quantity and quality of 
weapons. Considering the frequency of their assaults against
the Northern territories in the first half of this century, 
it can be safely assumed that their military equipment is 
consistently able to keep pace with our own.

Weapons testing was always a heavy financial burden on any 
nation`s resources. Aside from the cost of design, construction
and transportation, a site was needed to test the weapons 
and manpower to record the results - which were not always
as successful as had first been hoped. The solution which seems
so obvious to us now - designing, building and simulating the
performance of hardware and the explosion of weapons wholly
on computer - was not feasible then. Simulators were used for
training purposes in the late twenthieth century, but they
were expensive to build and couldnt match the random factors
incorporated into todays equivalents.

The Eurpoean based Chaos Corporation (C-Corp for short) changed
all that. Their first Chaos computer, the C-Corp 2014 
(built in March, 2014), was a direct response to political, 
environmental and economic demands that weapons testing be
scrapped. It provided the hardware for a new generation of
simulation software, allowing unparalleled random factors
to be introduced into training, and in effect freeing software
engineers to create worlds and the military machines to battle
in them.

The few minor skirmishes that did break out between North and
South in the years from 2011-2028 provided a testing ground for
a new breed of military simulation technicians (SimTechs). By
the beginning of that period, ordinance was so powerful that 
it renedered the role of the soldier obsolete. Movement
guided, long range himing shells launched from remotely
operated defence posts wiped out platoons on the ground, and
sophisticated seeker missiles annihilated those in the air 
and on the sea. The element of surprise had been lost, and
this forced combatants to throw weapons at each other from
inside heavily-fortified bunkers, using computers to plot

These bunker-based fighters were the first SimTechs, planning
and executing their strategy wholly on the C-Corp computers, 
using software designed originally by C-Corp employees, then
by the military themselves. The system was successful enough
to defeat all Southern Hemisphere attacks in those 17 years, 
and to deter them from launching major offensives since.

It was a natural enough step to transfer the lessons learned
in the bunker to the training school. By grooming a new
generation of technicians who, because they had been 
intensively trained on simulators, were capable of directing
the course of war at the front line, the North was able to 
maintain the integrity of its boundaries.

The first of the simulation software to be produced was the
Ground Battle System (GBS), designed in 2027 for use at 
West Point Military Academy. This unique program was able to 
create a faithful representation of the battle conditions, 
and was re-written eight times (between 2027 and its last
use in 2064) to accomodate new designs, ideas and technology.
Its replacement is the Air Support Battle Simulation (ASBS), 
detailed below, which for the moment is only available to 
graduates of the West Point Military Academy.

Victories against the South and the success of the tactical
software sparked off two revolutions in military circles; 
the wholesale switch to the use of C-Corp Chaos Computers, 
and the establishment of a new command structure - Military
SimTech Command (MSC). During the years 2015-2030, MSC grew
from a small part of warfare research employing a dozen 
people to the single largest wing of the Northern 
Hemisphere Armed Forces, now testing over 50,000 prospective
technicians and Defence Complex commanders a year.

It also created a whole new brand of pioneering professionals;
apart from SimTechs, the branches that we are all familiar 
with today were begun as early as 2015. BattleField Architects,
Enemy Tactics Editors, Hardware Designers and Defence System
Advisors are now all under the direct control of the MSC of
the MSC.

The switch to C-Corp computers was more problematic, however,
in 214 the C-Corp C-2014 was far in advance of anything else - 
with a price, unfortunately to match. This posed a problem
for the MSCl vast numbers of computers were required to train
Simulation Technicians to the required standard, but the 
military budget couldnt cope with the demand. The solution 
established the system which we still use today; networking the
Chaos mainframes to 1000 slave computers. The `slaves` could
be anything from from an ancient twentieth century Amiga or 
ST (Fuk u Sukkerz!) to an 886 PC ( A WHAT?!?!?). The advantage
was that costs were dramatically reduced; the disadvantage
was some loss of graphical and aural power, particularly on 
the less powerful slave machines.

Because of the exacting standards required by the SimTech 
Command, there was, as there is now, a very low pass rate - 
approximately 0.02% of all candidates. This in turn, requires
a huge number of prospective trainees to fill even the 1000
new SimTech trainee posts at WestPoint Military Academy
each year; 50,000 examinees in all worldwide. The requirements
are strict because there is no room for error on the real 
battlefield; one operational mistake from a Simulation 
Technician could result in a breach of defences and the loss
of a million lives.

West Point was established in 2026 as a channel to focus the
energies of all the finest SimTech trainees from the 
Northern Hemisphere. Its C-Corp system is the most powerful
anywhere; the latest version (C-2050) can reproduce any 
landscape on Earth down to the last square decimetre; it can 
replicate the weather patterns of the entire globe up to three
weeks in advance to an accuracy rate of 96%; it can be 
programmed to input any random factor; from a meteorite landing
n China to the rise in Sea Level caused by a bucket of water
thrown in the Atlantic.

At West Point the top 10% of all candidates are networked to 
C-2050 and given the most rigourous examination of any SimTech
trainee. The training is based on 20 introdcutory missions
and, if you pass your training, 20 Full-Simulation Missions.
Should you fail in the training missions you may then partake 
in the full simulation missions as Air Support only (ie - you
have no control over ground vehicles). However, succeed in this
and you may then undertake the 20 full simulation missions for 
real; these take in the whole range of options from designing 
you own Defence Complex to controlling 16 remote attack 
vehicles and annihilating the opposition as quickly as possible.
Because of the need to maintain the realism of this chaotic
environment, the slave computers are obliged to run 3d vector
graphics and engine/firing noises only. Any candidate who passes
this examination is then trained on the C-Corp 2050 itself 
for up to six months, before being given battlefield experience.

Wargaming is an old profession (hello Dave!) - strategy has 
played a part in battles for as long as ther have been wars - 
but its only in the 21st Century that is has had the fundamental 
impact on the nature of military thinking. In the last 50
years the role of the wargame has switched from the tactical 
to the practical; whole systems are designed, used in simulated 
battle and then consigned to the waste bin without ever seeing
a production line - the power on new weaponry can be demonstrated
for free, and craft can be built and lost for nothing. This 
has reduced costs and improved operational efficiency at the same 
time. Without it the thousand mobile Defence Complexes which 
straddle the Tropic of Cancer would never have been built, and a 
whole generation of Offensive Weapons would never have been 
manufactured so quickly. 

The latest developments are currently being tested in the Air Support 
Battle Simulation (ASBS, detailed below). These include an 
articulated version of the Defence Complex: the theory is that all of the 
Complex's units, even down to relatively minute components such as 
individual Radar Stations and Missile Command Posts, can be moved 
independently, thanks to a novel system of flexible Connections' which 
transfer power from the generators and orders from the central HQ. 
Other developments include a new Command Module, from which a 
single pilot can program and operate up to 16 attack craft, each one 
loaded with different weapons systems and patrolling a course of up to 
128 different waypoints. 

If successful, these systems could be implemented within five years, 
and could prove the most important deterrent to Southern Hemisphere 
aggression. The maintenance of peace is the primary objective of all 
Battlefield Simulations; Simulation Technicians are the new brokers of 

The ASBS is the first of a new generation of Battlefield Simulation 
Software, and the first to make full use of the Chaos Corporation C-
2050 mainframe. Like its predecessor (the Ground Battle Simulation), 
it is intended as part of a series, and will be subject to upgrades as and 
when demand dictates. Version 1.0 is intended for use solely by the 
West Point Military Academy staff; subsequent versions will be based 
on their criticisms and distributed freely around the Northern 
Hemisphere defence network. 

ASBS represents the latest in SimTech one-on-one wargame design
and simulates an encounter between the commander of a Tropic of 
Cancer Defence Complex and his opposite number from the South. 
Battlefield Architects have managed to generate a new, variable 3D 
system - to add depth and realism to the vector graphic representation 
of the front line terrain - on the basic computers used by trainees. It is 
hoped that future versions, perhaps no more than a decade away, will 
be able to recreate a filled polygon battle ground. 

West Point Academy has no room for failures. The responsibility of 
each of the 1,000 SimTech trainees received here each year is a heavy 
one: learning the ability to maintain a defensive screen and the skills 
to design and implement new technology when required. Having 
already established yourselves as the pick of the candidates from 
around the Northern Hemisphere, your success rate here will be 
higher than that of other trainees around the world: on average, we 
pass one hundred candidates (100) per annum. 

The education process is intensive: you have a few hours to read this 
manual and keyguide before starting immediately on the first training 
mission. We advise that you familiarise yourself with the theoretical 
controls before switching on your computer and beginning. Demerits 
have, and will continue to be, given for slow or sloppy work. A 
consistently poor success rate will result in automatic expulsion from 
the Academy, and will oblige the trainee to retake his provisional 
exams and try again in two years time. However, the reverse is also 
true: great rewards are given to those who show they have the skill 
and application to become the best of the SimTech organisation -
including a job secured for life, and the knowledge that they can 
become one of the 1,000 commanders based in the global Defence 
Complexes, with the responsibility for maintaining world peace. 
West Point Simulation Technicians are considered to be the elite in the 
military world. Read this manual and find out how you can join them. 



1.1 Atari ST Version .........................................14
1.2 Amiga Version.............................................14
1.3 Virus Warning.............................................14



3.1 Registration Screen.......................................18
3.2 Di_fficulty Level Screen..................................19
3.3 Mission Menu Screen ......................................19
3.4 Playin~ In 3D.............................................22


4.1 Map Screen ...............................................23
4.1.1 Simulation Map .........................................25
4.1.2 Your Defence Complex....................................25
4.1.3 Enemy Base .............................................33
4.1.4 Vehicles ...............................................33
4.1.5 Waypoint Lists..........................................34
4.1.6 Waypoints...............................................34
4.1.7 Options Menu ...........................................35
4.1.8 Tnfn Panel ............................................ 35
4.1.9 Additional Controls.....................................36
4.2 0 Info Panel .............................................37
4.21 Command Ship Flight Screen	..............................38
4.2.2 Flight Screen ..........................................38
4.2.3 Status Bars.............................................40
4.2.4 Radars .................................................40
4.2.6 Menu ...................................................40
4.26 Flight Control...........................................40


4.3.1 Flight Screen .,........................................46
4.3.2 Radars .................................................46
4.3.3 Stats ..................................................46
4.3.4 Weapons Boxes ..........................................47
4.3.5 Information Panel.......................................47
4.3.6 Other Controls..........................................48
4.3.7 Conclusion..............................................49

5. HINTS AND TIPS ............................................50

6. CONTROLS...................................................65

Always switch off your machine for at least 30 seconds before loading 
the game. Failure to do so may result in virus contamination of the 
AIR SUPPORT disk. See the Virus Warning and the Warranty Notice 
in this manual for further information. 

Insert your AIR SUPPORT disk into the internal drive, switch on 
your monitor/tv, then your computer. Follow the on-screen 

Switch on your machine. Insert a Kickstart disk if required (for 
example, if you own an Amiga 1000). When the prompt appears for 
you to insert the Workbench disk, insert your AIR SUPPORT disk 
into the internal drive. Insert Disk 2 when prompted. 
Should you wish to skip the intro you may insert Disk 2 at the 
Workbench prompt. 

This product is guaranteed by Psygnosis to be virus free.
Psygnosis Ltd accept no responsibility for damage caused
to this product through virus infection. Please see page 67
of this manual for details.

To avoid virus infection always ensure that your machine is
switched off for at least 30 seconds before loading this
game. Please see page 67 for more information regarding
viruses and Your warranty.

Trainees are advised to read the main Introduction which precedes 
these pages. However, for those who are already familiar with the 
information it contains, the following will suffice: 

The Air Support Battlefield Simulation (ASBS) is the first in a series 
of theoretical battlefield scenarios designed by Military SimTech 
Command (MSC) using the C-Corp Chaos 2050 mainframe. As a 
candidate at the West Point Military Academy you represent the top 
0.02% of trainees in the world. There are 1,000 of you competing for 
the 100 positions of Simulation Technician awarded each year. 
A qualified Simulation Technician (or SimTech) has two main 
responsibilities. The first is a ten-year period of service as Commander 
of one of the 1,000 Defence Complexes based on the Tropic of Cancer 
and designed to dissuade attacks from the allied Southern Hemisphere 
forces. The second, undertaken once the period of front-line service has 
ended, is responsibility for the development and testing of new 
weapons systems and simulations. 

The aim of the ASBS is to ensure that only the best candidates qualify 
for these vitally important posts. In it, you will be given command of a 
simulated Defence Complex at the forefront of current technology; and 
you will be asked to protect it at all costs, as well as successfully 
infiltrating the enemy's defences and nullifying his threat. This is 
most easily performed by knocking out his four generators. 
The hardware at your disposal includes radars and missile defences, a 
Command Ship, a quartet of basic ground and airborne fighters and 
reconnaissance vehicles, and the ability to program up to 16 of them to 
patrol your defences. This equipment will be used to a limited extent 
in 20 Training Missions. Following this, however, will be up to 40 Full 
Simulations, in which the complete range of hardware will be 

The aim of the 20 Training Missions is for you to become familiar with 
the basic ideas and equipment at your disposal in Air Support. 
The missions begin with simple vehicle control and end with a scaled-
down version of the Full Simulations. Complete instructions will be 
given to you on-screen. The tests grow progressively harder, and rank 
is be awarded to candidates who show a consistent rate of success; 
conversely, a permanent demerit will be awarded for failure of a 
mission. The West Point Academy does not condone graduation by 
perseverance or trial and error; occasional failures, however, can be 

Once you have completed basic training, you are thrown into the Full 
Simulations. Naturally enough, candidates will not be expected to 
complete all the missions in one day, or even a week - and for this 
reason a Registration Screen, unique to the trainee, allows the use of 
ID codes to save performance details at any point during the 

The aim of the Full Simulations is equivalent to that of a real life 
battle: to disable the enemy's defence complex by eliminating the 
power generators and HQ. The examiners are not looking for rash 
displays of power, but for total battle resource management. 
Strategists make better commanders than conquering heroes. 
You decide the level of difficulty; there are three in all: Easy, Medium 
and Hard. Difficulty affects how early you get to see the enemy's 
movements - see Difficulty Level. You will soon learn the reasons 
why a relatively flat landscape with few tidal aquatic areas is much 
easier to negotiate than a mountainous region populated by lakes. 
Difficulty also affects your performance rating: on a Hard level you are 
allowed to fail in fewer mission before your rating dips below the Fail 
line - see Candidate Statistics. 
One thing you can be sure of: as you progress through the Full 
Simulations, life will become tougher than anything you have ever 
experienced before. Should your Statistics Line remain above the Fail 
area throughout the game you will be allowed to graduate. 
And when you do, the rewards are great.

Air Support is a simulation in which you determine the 
level of interaction. It is vital to establish key strategies 
from the beginning, but once you have programmed 
waypoints, built vehicles and designed your Defence 
Complex, you can do as much, or as little, as you like. For 
example, you can control all 16 craft and the Command 
Ship, or leave them on auto-pilot to follow the Vehicle 
Command Channels you program for them (see 4.1.5, 
below). Most of the systems run automatically and will 
only require maintenance; however, tactics should be 
reviewed constantly in response to enemy manoeuvres. 



This is the first screen you will see after the game has loaded. If this is 
your first mission, it allows you to register with the C-2050 at West 
Point Military Academy; if you have already completed some part of 
the trainee programme, you can load up previously saved records 
using your name and ID number. Each mission or simulation you 
complete gives you a new ID number, which will contain details such 
as your success rate on previous missions. 

To enter your name, use the mouse in conjunction with the on-screen 
keyboard or simply type your input. Selecting the MENU option takes 


This is because the name is cross-referenced to the ID 
number. For example, if you enter the name J. SMITH, 
the C-2050 computer will, in subsequent games, not accept 
JSMITH or J SMITH. If this rule is not complied with you 
will be unable to access the statistics detailed by your 
personal ID code, and you will be obliged to restart your 
training from the beginning. 

Selecting Easy displays a full map including enemy complex and all 
enemy vehicles. 

Selecting Medium displays a full map with enemy complex but you 
will not be able to see enemy vehicles until they are in radar range. 
Selecting Hard displays only your squares of the map (blue dots), also, 
you cannot see the enemy complex nor his vehicles until they are 
within your radar range. 

For the purposes of authenticity, no details about missions are given in 
this booklet. However, as a general rule, in the training Missions you 
may be asked to perform tasks such as piloting individual craft into 
enemy territory and then returning to base using waypoints or manual 
control; and in the Full Simulations you will be asked to adapt the full 
experience gained from your Training to a Full Simulation. It is 
therefore vital that you familiarise yourself with the contents of this 

The Mission Menu screen allows you to utilise the following 

Starts the currently highlighted Training Mission or Full Simulation.
At this stage you are required to enter a Craft Static - Printed in green 
in the Hardware Guide - be it a Fighter's weight or a Tank's length. 

Clears from your computer's memory any statistics on your 
performance to date, allowing you to restart the Air Support program 
from Training Mission 1. However, the C-2050 computer will still store 
your performance details for use at a later date, and you can access 
them again by inputting the corresponding name and ID number. You 
can drop out of the program - by pressing 'esc' - and restart at any 

Selecting this option leads you to your own personal statistics screen. 

This allows you to examine your progress to date. All Air Support 
statistics are mission-based, not career-oriented: the incentive for each 
candidate lies in promotion for a well executed mission or a demotion 
for a failed mission. Trainees who have not yet undertaken any 
missions will have no record here. 

The Data Base provides brief visual identification of the vehicles you 
will be able to control during the game. For more detailed information 
about these craft and those of the enemy, consult the OFFICIAL 
HARDWARE GUIDE which follows these instructions. 

Returns you to the REGISTRATION screen. 

Some trainees may prefer to play their missions in 3D. If this is the 
case, follow these instructions. Once you have started the simulation, 
go to the COMMAND SHIP FLIGHT SCREEN and select the 
OPTIONS icon from the menu. Select the BACK icon four times to 
access the 3D menu. Select STEREO to activate the 3D then put on 
your 3D glasses. Use the DPTH INC, DPTH DEC, POS INC and POS 
DEC controls to optimise comfortable viewing. Finally, press EXIT to 
return to the main menu. For more information, see the OPTIONS 
category in Section 4.2.6, below. 

(Sorry guys,  Couldnt type in the 3d glasses .. lame eh ?!?! )


The following abbreviations are used throughout this 
manual and the accompanying Quick Reference Sheet. 
LMB = Left mouse button 
RMB = right mouse button

The action in Air Support takes place on a simulated world, 
represented by this map. This is where you will make all your major 
tactical decisions. 


   | Craft    | 	   		          |       |
   | Control  |                                   |       |
   +----------+                                   |       |
   | Waypnt   |				          |       |
   | Control  |				          |       |
   +----------+ 			          |       |
   | Complex  |				          +-------+
   | Control  |				          |       |
   +----------+				          |       |
   |          |				          |       |
   | Options  |				          |       |
   |	      |				          +-------+
   +----------+				          | Sortie|
   | ZOOM XO  |				          +-------+
   +----------+				          | Patrol|
   |   PAN    |				          +-------+
   +----------+				          | Attack|
   | MAPLOCK  |				          +-------+
   +----------+			                  |  Halt |
   |Main Ship |				          +-------+
   +----------+				          |       |
   | Control  |				          |       |

The Map Screen serves two main purposes. Firstly, it provides an 
overall view of the landscape, detailing contours, vehicle positions and 
headings, and showing the layout of your Defence Complex, when 
applicable. Secondly, it permits you to manipulate that environment, 
allowing you to command up to 16 vehicles and set their paths, 
redesign your defences and launch strikes against the enemy (see 
sections 4.1.2 to 4.1.6, below). To make decisions easier, the map can 
be changed to show different viewpoints and magnifications, from a 
simple terrain without contours (which filters out unwanted detail) to 
an isometric 3D display (which shows the height and shape of the 

When applicable, this initially shows an overhead view of the entire 
battlefield with your Defence Complex at the bottom left corner and 
your opponent's at the top right corner. Details about how to change 
the viewpoints, use the zoom feature and implement strategic options 
are given in sections 4.1.7 to 4.1.9, below. 

As games progress, an increasing amount of terrain will be laid waste 
and flattened, due to the use of weapons such as mines. This produces 
craters which are easily negotiated by land vehicles such as Main 
Battle Tanks and Reconnaissance Craft. 

You can scroll immediately to any area of the map by lowlighting the 
Maplock option on the left-hand panel and moving the cursor to the 
desired spot and clicking the LMB. You can then magnify the selected 
area by using the ZOOM function, described in section 4.1.8, below. 

In order to access information about your Defence Complex, you 
must highlight the COMPLEX icon in the OPTION Panel.

The Defence Complex is the core of your military operations. It is an 
entirely automated system capable of growth and change. (In reality, 
the 1,000 Complexes that mark the boundary between Northern and 
Southern Hemispheres are run by a C-2050 computer, and are manned 
by a SimTech Commander with four SimTech engineers). The 
simulated Complex enables you to build and replace offensive units 
and weapons, and can be moved around to suit the local terrain. It 
consists of six different units, as follows: 

The centre of your complex from which every other unit is constructed. 
To move your entire complex, simply move the Headquarters. Click on 
the HEADQUARTERS icon to glean information on vehicles available 
to you. 

These units provide power to your factories, you should protect them 
at all costs. Once all four are destroyed you have nothing left with 
which to protect your Complex. 

Please note: Generators may only be destroyed when switched on and 
by a direct hit. When switched on they are independant of HQ as they 
supply their own power. 

The twelve Factories in your Defence Complex are vital in creating 
supplies for your vehicles and replacing or repairing those vehicles 
when they are destroyed or damaged. There are four types of vehicle 
which a Factory can manufacture: the Airborne Attack Fighter 
(ATTF), the ground-based Reconnaissance Vehicle (RECO), the Main 
Battle Tank (MBT) and the Multiple Missile Launching Systems 
Please note that some factories are limited as to which 
vehicles/weapons they can manufacture. 

a. Select the COMPLEX icon from the OPTIONS display. (This 
displays your complex in blue and shows its major supply lines). Next, 
select any factory by clicking the LMB on it or b y hitting the F4 key -
see accompanying keyboard layout.. A list of the craft and 
weapons/equipment available will then appear in the INFO box. (For 
more details about weapons, see the OFFICIAL HARDWARE GUIDE 
which follows this instruction manual). 

b. Use the mouse to select a craft. Once you have selected, choose a 
weapon from the list available - this will vary according to the vehicle. 
Note that you cannot select all the weapons that are available for the 
craft you have chosen - due to weight considerations you must decide 
which one(s) you want to take. Once you have selected the weapons, 
click the mouse button on OFF to start the construction process: a 
percentage rating will inform you of the progress. 

c. Once the vehicle and its weapons have been manufactured, the 
Defence Complex positions them on standby at the factory, awaiting 
further instructions. If you have not created a Waypoint List for a 
vehicle, do so (see 4.1.5 and 4.1.6t below). You may assign a Waypoint 
to a vehicle before it has been built. You can, if you wish, control the 
vehicle manually: All vehicles need to locate an exit at the nearest 
Radar Station or Missile Command Post. If a Waypoint is already in 
place, the computer will automatically install the newly-made craft on 
that route. 

You now have full control over the vehicle you have created, and can 
either leave it to run automatically or pilot it yourself from the 
VEHICLE CONTROL CENTRE (See 4.3, below). Once the vehicle has 
left the Factory, another one may be constructed in its place. Craft 
which run out of energy or become irreparably damaged are 
automatically replaced and replacement vehicles sent along their 
Waypoint Lists. 

You can create up to 16 different vehicles by varying the 
hardware/weapons configuration. For example, you could 
create one Main Battle Tank with Track and Wire Missiles, 
and another MBT with Wire Guided Missiles and a Maser.

This fires a tracking missile at any enemy in its direction and range -
but only if that vehicle has been detected by radar. You can set the 
missile rate (Off/Low/High) by clicking the LMB on the Missile 
Command Post, then highlighting your choice in the INFO BOX. To 
activate all Missile Command Posts, click on the ALL ON icon. To 
increase the missile rate, click on the ALL OFF icon and again on the 
ALL ON icon. 

This is one of the most important parts of your defences, since it gives 
you advance warning of enemy approaches in the direction to which it 
is pointed. To see exactly how strong its signal is, click the mouse 
button on the DISPLAY icon. You can then set the radar range 
(Off/Low/High) by clicking the LMB on the RADAR icon and 
highlighting your choice in the INFO BOX. You may also select radar 
range by clicking LMB on ALL ON icon, this sets range to Low. To 
increase the range click on the ALL OFF icon and click on the ALL ON 
icon again, this sets all radar stations to High Range. 

Connections supply power and orders to the outlying Factories, Missile 
Command Posts and Radar Stations. The latest technology, currently 
being tested in this version of the Air Support Battle Simulation, has 
transformed them into flexible limbs', allowing the Defence Complex 
to be reshaped according to the terrain. The trainee has control over 
the length of the connectiuns between units, and can even input a 90 
degree turn into the connection at any point if desired (see ~Designing 
your Defence Complex', below). Connections link the whole Defence 
Complex in the following way: 

4 Generators are connected to the central HQ 
3 Factories are connected to each Generator 
2 Radar Units and one Missile Command Post are connected to each 

At any point, damage to this system will stop the functioning of units 
further along the chain. For example, if you lose a Generator you will 
also lose the use of three factories, six Radar Units and three Missile 
Command Posts. 

The units which make up the Defence Complex are interdependent but 
can be moved around the map area *eely. By selecting a unit and 
manipulating the Connections, you can redesign your defensive wall. 

Size isn't important: units as small as a Radar Base or as large as the 
whole complex can be moved anywhere within its specified radius. 
The first thing you need to do is highlight the COMPLEX icon (your 
base will animate and turn blue). Next, decide what you want to move, 
and consult the following table to find out which unit you should select 
Choose the unit you require from the Complex Sub Menu (or from the 
Map Display - using the LMB). Activate that unit with the Select icon 
and the Select Sub Menu appears. Using the Up, Down, Left and Right 
icons, position the unit to the required location and lock its position 
using the Set icon. 

Unit Selected....................	Will Move
Radar Station....................	Radar Station
Missile Command Post.............	Missile Command Post
Factory .........................	Factory, and defence
.................................	cluster comprising 2
.................................	Radars and Missile
.................................	Command Post
Generator........................	Generator, 3 factories
.................................	and 3 defence clusters
HQ ..............................	The whole base - HQ
.................................	can only be moved once

There is a limit to the distance or direction in which 
you can move your Defence Complex Units.

A step-by-step guide to building your defence complex.
Click on HQ 
Click on SELECT 
Use UP,DOWN,LEFT RIGHT to move you whole complex to a more 
                       suitable site - if required. 
Select SET to establish it. 
Click on GENERATOR - Press F3 to toggle through your four 
generators, click on ON in the INFO BOX to switch the selected 
generator on. Or select ALL ON to switch them all on in one go. 
Click on FACTORY and build the required craft - see Factory (4.12 
Select MISSILE and select ALL ON. 
Select RADAR and select ALL ON. 
You now have a fully functional Defence Complex.

You can enter the Defence Complex by directing one of the vehicles 
under your control into it, or by taking command of a newly created 
vehicle. You can find your way around by using the radar - but only on 
magnification greater than 3. 

The enemy's base and vehicles are visible at all times on Easy 
Difficulty Level, although his activities and craft deployment remain 
secret until revealed by your radar on Medium and Hard Levels. 
Trainees can be confident that the enemy will be engaged in 
manoeuvres similar to his own. 

When you select the CRAFT icon from the OPTIONS MENU. If an 
enemy craft comes within range of one of your radars, it is 
momentarily expanded to indicate as such. Your vehicles are divided 
into Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), Multiple Missile Launchers (MMLSs), 
Reconnaissance Vehicles (RECO), Attack Fighters (ATTF) and your 
Command Ship. For more details about these, consult the OFFICIAL 
HARDWARE GUIDE. Passing the cursor over each craft will give you 
details about the number and type of each ship. 

You can take control of any vehicle at any time, just by accessing the 
VEHICLE COMMAND SCREEN (section 4.3, below). If you want your 
vehicle to follow a predetermined route and let the computer respond 
to enemy attacks by itself, create a WAYPOINT LISTS for the craft, 
select Sortie from the Craft Status Menu and watch the action. (see 
4.1.5 Waypoint Lists, below). 

Losing craft in real battles is a waste of time and resources, so the Air 
Support simulation has been designed to instruct you in the skill of 
reusing vehicles. There are two ways in which craft can be disabled: if 
they run out of energy, or if they are damaged beyond repair. They can 
also be rendered useless if they run out of weapons or equipment. If 
possible, you must direct the craft to return to the Defence Complex 
before the problem arises. Once-you have reached the DC, the craft 
must be guided to the nearest Factory unit for refuelling, rearming or 
repairs. The time taken for this process will vary according to the type 
of craft and the weapons it was carrying. However, if craft are 
destroyed, your factories will, if able, build a replacement. 

Note: The number of craft that may be manufactured is limited. 
The Information Box (on the HQ Screen) displays the number 
currently available to you.

Setting up a Waypoint Lists is one of the most important tactical 
decisions in the simulation. Waypoint Lists are the routes between 
waypoints which a vehicle uses to patrol the landscape, attacking 
enemies when necessary. You must ensure that any Waypoint Lists 
you create pass over terrain which your craft can negotiate. For 
example, a Waypoint List for an MBT is useless if it runs over water 
and high mountains. 

You can create up to a maximum of 128 waypoints for your vehicles to 
follow (see the information detailed under the WAYPNT icon in 4.1.7 

MSC trainees should aim to create effective patrol and attack routes 
for their vehicles. This is achieved by creating waypoints. 
First, highlight the WAYPNT icon to enable the display of waypoints 
on the map. These waypoints can then be manipulated as follows: 

a. The RMB creates a new waypoint. This is known as the current 

b. When the cursor is placed over a previously created waypoint, 
   holding down the RMB allows that waypoint to be repositioned. 

c. The LMB deletes any waypoint under the cursor.

d. Pressing and releasing the LMB while repositioning a new waypoint 
   (as in B., above) will create a new point connected to the first. 

The OPTIONS menu gives you complete control over how information 
is displayed on the map screen. 

Show buildings, such as the Defence Complex.

GRIDS  : Toggles agridon/off.

SETCON : Identifies which squares on the map belong to you -
shown in blue - and which are the enemy's - shown in red 

INFO   : Highlighting this icon removes all unnecessary terrain 
details from the map, showing only a flat landscape with 
basic contours. This is the clearest display for seeing 
what's happening to your craft, but not as effective as the 
relief maps when it comes to plotting waypoints. 

FASTMAP: Increases speed of your and enemy's activities. 

RELIEF : Relief map display. This toggles between a map showing 
land heights as a series of coloured contour bars (revealed 
as a relative display in the INFO panel) and one which 
depicts them as true' 3D, with a light source and 

OPT 2  : takes you to:


ISO   : Toggle between the overhead view of the landscape and 
an isometric one. (In conjunction with HEIGHT icon this 
can be useful for plotting vehicle routes through valleys). 
You must click on this icon to gain access to the following: 

SCAPE : Angles the view of the Isometric map.

HEIGHT : Toggles between a flat, colour contour isometric display in I 
which all the heights are proportional, and a ~true' 3D 
one. Only works with the ISO map.

LOOK N : Click on Look N, E, S or W to view the map from these 

EXIT    : Exits to the MAP SCREEN.

DEFENCE : Toggles between showing and masking the activity of your 
Radar Stations and Missile Command Posts. The radar 
strength is shown by an animated sequence of dotted 
arcs, and missile activity by a sequence of short lines. 
This icon is particularly useful for revealing weak spots 
once you have altered the shape of your Defence Complex. 

ZOOM   : The zoom feature has four different magnifications. Use 
the LMB to select the area on the map you wish to 
magnify, then click on the ZOOM icon with the RMB. The 
next three clicks of the RMB magnify the area of map 
that you have chosen. Use the LMB to zoom out. 

PAN   : This control allows you to scroll around the map. Holding 
down either mouse button on this icon and moving the 
mouse in the desired direction moves the map 
accordingly. It's best used for fine control: a more direct 
method is to move the cursor to the required position on 
the map and click the LMB. 

MAPLOCK : Used in conjunction with the ZOOM function, this icon 
allows you to skip from a magnified position to a default 
position (using the LMB) or reset the position totally 
using the RMB. When this icon is highlighted the map is 
locked to the default position. 

COMMAND SHIP: Puts you in the cockpit of your Command Ship - see 
Command Ship Flight Screen 4.21. 

CONTROL CENTRE: Puts you in the cockpit of the currently selected vehicle.

If an icon is activated in the OPTIONS menu, this panel will reveal 
information about the type and number of vehicles (with the CRAFT 
icon), or the status of your Defence Complex units (with the 
COMPLEX icon). Details such as power levels, radar range, missile 
rate, and Factory output are all shown here. To change these details 
(for example, to increase the range of a radar from Low to High), click 
the LMB on the selected unit, then make the alteration in the Info 
Panel using the mouse. When no icon is activated, the Info Panel will 
usually show a vertical bar of colours: this displays the relative height 
of the terrain. 

The Command box is the control centre for directing your 16 vehicles. 
As you construct craft in your Factories, they appear in this box in 
order. For example, the first vehicle in the top row is number 1, the 
last one in the bottom row is number 16 - and these numbers 
correspond to the craft highlighted on the map. For ease-of-use the 
different vehicles have been translated into simple symbols. 
Select a Waypoint or Target then highlight a craft in the box by
clicking on it with the LMB, it will then follow that course at a preset 
speed. MSC advises that you set up a bank of patrol craft before 
launching an attack. 

The following is a list of commands given to selected craft: 
When highlighted: 
Sortie - Follow WAYPOINT LIST and engage enemy when in range 
Patrol - Follow WAYPOINT LIST 
Attack - Attack specified when in range 
Halt - Skips between Sortie/Patrol/Halt 
Patrol or Sortie will be automatically selected when you designate a 
WAYPOINT LIST to a craft. Attack is automatically selected when a 
craft is selected - with the RMB. 

This screen gives you direct control over the Command Ship, as well as 
allowing you to set up the game to your liking, turn on the 3D display 
and alter a host of other options. 

This shows the view from your Command Ship (CS). Its default mode 
is auto-pilot, but you can take control of it at any time, as follows: 
press the LMB on the Flight Screen itself, and this will eliminate the 
menus and allow you to enter flight mode. By holding down the LMB 
and moving the mouse forwards or backwards you can accelerate and 
decelerate. To fire the currently selected weapon (see 4.2.4, below), 
press the RMB. Once fired, you can control a Wire Guided or Waypoint 
Guided missile to its target by keeping the RMB held down. To exit 
flight mode and return to the menus, hold down the LMB and click the 

These bars detail your altitude, speed and fuel. If your craft is in 
Hugging mode (see below), you don't need to worry too much about 
altitude. However, keep an eye on the fuel level - if you run out, your 
Command Ship will crash and be lost.

4.2.4 RADARS
The radars reveal information about craft in the surrounding terrain. 
You can position them anywhere on screen by holding down the RMB 
and sliding the radar display with the mouse to the required position. 
The magnification is changed by clicking on the box marked MAG x4'. 
The LMB reduces magnification, the-RMB increases it. Click on the 
RADAR box to open Radar Window. 

4.2.5 MENU
You can only use the menu if you are not in Flight Mode. To select a 
menu icon, move the cursor to the icon you wish to select and click 
either mouse button. 


Activates the Command Ship's anti-gravity drive
mechanism, allowing it to follow the contours of the 
landscape. In rugged terrain, SimTech Command advises 
that trainees do not fly at excessive speeds: the anti-
gravity sensors work on a quick, but not immediate, 
response time, and it is all too easy to crash into a steep 
hillside. Even when this system is activated, you can 
override it by entering Flight Mode and piloting the CS, as 
described above: once you have finished controlling the 
CS, return to the menus and let the craft fly itself- it will 
automatically return to Hugging mode. 

When activated, this guides the Command Ship 
automatically towards the currently selected waypoint 
or target.

Automatically engages enemy while protecting itself.

The Command Ship is the most heavily armed of all your craft, and 
also the most heavily armoured. For more details about the above 
weapons, consult the OFFICIAL HARDWARE GUIDE which follows 
this manual.

The options listed below allow you to customise the game to your 
liking, and are accessed by activating the OPTIONS icon on the menu.

BACK : Takes you to the previous list of options.

NEXT : Takes you to the next list of options.

EXIT : Takes you back to the MENU, above.

STATUS : Shows/hides the status bars (altitude, fuel and speed).

HEADUP : Allows you to make use of a Headup display (effecti~ 
when the enemy is in view). 

STARS  :Turns the background stars on and off. In conjunction 
with other options (such as turning off the Horizon, 
water and filled radar display), turning these off 
increases the update speed and provides a more reali~t -

HORIZON: Removes/replaces the horizon. 

SOLID  : Fills in all the dotted vector lines to create solid vectol, 
(this gives a poorer impression of distance, but some 
trainees have expressed a preference for it). 

WATER    : Toggles the water animation on/off- in wire-frame mode~ 

RADARS   : Shows hides the radars at the top of the Flight Screen 

RAD SOL  : Toggles between a radar display with a transparent 
background (the stars can be seen through it, but it 
speeds up the simulation), and one in which the 
background is filled-in black.

JOYSTICK : Allows you to use a joystick for flight control.

INT LACE :Interlace on/off.

COMP     : Toggles the compass on/off.

COMP BIG : Toggles the size of the compass between normal and 

STEREO   : Activates the 3D viewing display, in conjunction with 
           the 3D glasses provided. 

RGB      : Maintains Stereo view but with limited on-screen 

DPTH INC : This quartet of icons allows you to customise the 3D 
DPTH DE  : effect to suit your eyesight. The DPTH icons control the 
POS INC  : 3D, and the POS icons compensate for your position in 
           front of the screen. Put on the 3D glasses, then try out 
POS DEC  : these commands until you're happy with the movement 
           of the landscape. 

TUNNEL 1 : Camouflages Complexes - wire-frame view only.

TUNNEL 2 : Shows wire-frame complexes in greater detail.

OBJ SIMP : Simplifies objects to increase speed of game.

LINE FAT : Increase thickness of all lines shown in wire-frame 

LANDFIL  : Fill sections of the wire-frame display and shows Grid 

LANDTYPE : Works in conjunction with LANDFILL; and alters wire-
           frame display to a filled display. 

MAP SFX  : Toggle sound effects on/off on map screen

MAP SPE  : Toggle speech on/off on map screen (Amiga only)

MAIN SFX : Toggle sound effects on/off

MAIN SPE : Toggle speech on/off (Amiga only)

GIVE UP  : The easy way out of a mission, however you will 
           rewarded with a double demotion

FILLBOX  : Toggles between see-through and non see-through 
           command icons

BUTTONS  : Swaps mouse buttons.

FLICKCOL : Changes colour of on-screen text

FLICKOFF : Toggles between screen flickering or being steady

BCKGRND  : Changes dark blue background to black

Other menu controls:

CONTROL  : Selecting this icon leads you to the VEHICLE 
           CONTROL CENTRE (see over).

MAP      : Takes you back to the MAP SCREEN.

EXIT     : Takes you back to the MISSION MENU SCREEN anu 
           allows you to restart the game if desired.


The Vehicle Command Centre is based inside your Command Module 
at the Defence Complex HQ. It gives you information about all the 
vehicles in your armoury, and allows you to access the Command Ship 
Flight Screen. The first time you access the Command Centre, all
vehicles that you have built in the Factories will be operating on auto-
pilot; however, you can take direct control of up to 16 vehicles by 
deselecting the AUTO function and entering Flight Mode by pressing 
the LMB on the FLIGHT SCREEN and controlling the vehicle as 
detailed below.

Air Support can be played without once taking direct 
control of any of your craft: everything can be put on auto-
pilot (see 4.3.6, below), leaving you to get on with the 
strategic side of the simulation. Trainees will not be 
demerited for playing a simulation entirely on auto.

To control one of your vehicles, first select it from the Informatio] 
Panel (click the mouse button on your choice). Pressing the LM] 
anywhere on the Flight Screen itself eliminates the menus and allows
you to enter Flight Mode. 13y holding the LMB down and moving the
mouse forwards or backwards you can accelerate and decelerate. To 
fire, press the RMB. Once fired, you can track a Wire Guided missile 
its target by keeping the RMB held down. To return to the menus, hold
down the LMB and click the RMB. 

4.3.2 RADARS
As with the radars on the Command Ship, these reveal informatior 
about the craft in the surrounding terrain. You can position them 
anywhere on screen by holding down the RMB and sliding the radar 
display with the mouse to the required position. The magnification is
changed by clicking on the box marked 'MAG x 4'. The LMB reduces
magnification, the RMB increases it. 

4.3.3 STATS
These menus display information similar to that on the Command
Ship Flight Screen. 

STATUS : The C-2050 computer is authorised to send you basic 
messages, giving simple information, such as what your 
vehicles are doing. These messages are a word-for-word 
match with those from a real-life Defence Complex. 

SPEED  : The speed of the craft currently selected. Some vehicles
can travel more quickly than others, so the speed meter 
is relative. If you do not wish to enter Flight Mode, you 
can increase/decrease the speed of the vehicle by holding 
down either mouse button on this bar and dragging it 
left or right. 

DAMAGE : Some craft have better defences than others, so it's vital 
that you keep an eye on the damage levels. If repairs are 
needed, get the vehicle back to base! Losing all your 
shields results in machine failure, and means that your 
Factories will have to produce a replacement. 

THRUST : Thrust is proportional to Speed. 

ENERGY : As with the Damage meter, keep an eye on your Energy 
levels as often as you can: if your energy runs out, the 
vehicle will self destruct. 

The three boxes on the right hand side of the menu display reveal the 
weapons available for the craft under control, and the remaining stock 
of those weapons. These items will vary from craft to craft - some 
vehicles may only be carrying one weapon, others will carry as many 
as three. (For more information, consult the OFFICIAL HARDWARE 
GUIDE which follows this manual). 

This panel allows you to access individually each of the 16 craft 
(maximum) under your control. Standard notation is the same as that 
used elsewhere in this manual (see 4.1.9 Command Box', above). 
By holding down either mouse button and moving the mouse up and 
down you can scroll through the list of available craft. This action also 
accesses the corresponding vehicle on the Flight Screen, along with its 
statistics and remaining weapons. 

If you choose to control one of your craft, click the LMB on the Flight 
Screen to access the flight controls. To discontinue control, hold down 
the LMB and click the RMB to return you to the menus. 

AUTO : Toggles between putting the currently selected craft on 
auto pilot (default mode) or giving you manual control. 
You can override auto-pilot at any time by selecting the 
vehicle you wish to control, and entering flight mode as 
described above. Craft on auto-pilot will automatically 
engage the enemy when appropriate. These are the 
advantages and disadvantages: 


All vehicles default to Auto if not specifically selected for manual 
control. When AUTO is enabled you can control the strategic aspect of 
the battle and leave the actual combat to the computer. The only 
involvement the trainee has is instructing the vehicle to follow a series 
of waypoints on a Waypoint Lists (WAYPOINT LIST). Each vehicle will
then carry out predefined instructions, as detailed below: 

Vehicle		       Instructions

MMLS		Attack a ground installation
RECO		Drop a radar module or mine
MBT/ATTF	Attack an enemy vehicle in range

Once it has completed its task, the vehicle will await a new command. 
If no such command is forthcoming, the vehicle will retrace its steps 
along the waypoint, and then repeat its actions.

Manual control is engaged by the trainee when they think they can 
take better advantage of a situation than the computer. For example, 
there will be occasions when the outcome of a simple one-on-one 
dogfight between the computer and its opponent would be 
inconclusive. In addition, manual control is useful where mines or 
radar modules need to be placed in unsurveyed territory. 

MAP : Takes you to the MAP SCREEN. Pressing EXIT on the 
      Map Screen returns you to this screen. 

COMM : Takes you back to the COMMAND SHIP FLIGHT

Before reading the Hints and Tips which follow this section, trainees 
are reminded that the above instructions are only a list of suggestions. 
You may find better ways to defeat the simulation, and you may be 
able to create your own defensive techniques. ASBS Vl.0 is an 
experimental system, and as such is flexible enough to cater for a 
varietY of tactical stYles. 

* Use your Command Ship for primary defence until you have built 
  more craft. 
* Use your Command Ship's Wire Guided Missiles to destroy enemy 
* Disabling all enemy generators will cause them severe dama~e and 
  win the game in the Full Simulations. 
* Organise an efficient Defence Complex design and defence patrol 
  system as soon as you can - but make sure it is appropriate for the 
* Advice on structuring your defence complex: some terrains will 
  provide natural barriers against enemy land vehicles, such as 
  mountains or water. Where there are gaps, fill them with your radar 
  and missile defence systems. Be careful not to abuse this ability, since 
  it could leave your defences very weak, and you could see your power 
  lines being sabotaged. 
* Protect your weakest units! Usually these will be the MMLSs, so 
  don't just send them into enemy territory alone - it's too easy for them 
  to be destroyed by the enemy Defence Complex' automatic missile 
* Guard your Generators! Destruction of one will severely limit yo 
  ability to maintain your defences and manufacture new vehicles. 
  Generators can only be destroyed when they are switched on.

(March, 2064)

This first version of the Hardware Guide supports ASBS V1.0 for use 
with the C-Corp Chaos 2050 mainframe, networked to your personal 
computer. ASBS hardware is a development of the Ground Battle 
Simulation (GBS) hardware designed by MSC in the late 2020s, which 
was the standard SimTech trainee simulation for over two decades. 
However, users familiar with that system will notice the following 
major changes: 

1) All of the GBS Airborne and Ground Attack and Reconnaissance 
Vehicles have been replaced by quicker, more manoeuvrable and better 
armed equivalents. Candidates are asked to note in particular that the 
GBS Mobile Command System has been replaced by the experimental 
Command Module. 

2) Manual control is now possible on all the craft.

3) There are now 16 craft available, with up to 128 programmable 
4) ASBS allows you to redesign your Defence Complex to establish 
   stronger defence positions. 

5) The use of C-Corp's C-2050 means that the Enemy's ability is fully 
   equal to that of the Defending Forces. 
   Simulation Technicians and Trainees may like to note that all the GBS 
   software/hardware is compatible with the Air Support Battle 
   Simulation, and may be used to add variety at the discretion of the 
   MSC. For 3D visual identification of all the craft listed below, trainees 
   are advised to consult the simulation database. 

All the strategic and flight options which prospective Technicians 
could face on a real battlefield are available here. Your four craft have 
the ability to automatically patrol up to 128 waypoints, and can be 
customised with a variety of weapons to create up to 16 unique 
hardware configurations. Thanks to a centrally-controlled hover 
system all aircraft have landscape-hugging capability. Damage and 
energy levels are the most critical aspects of keeping a unit 
operational, so trainees are advised that at all times they must take 
care of their hardware - excessive loss of equipment will result in poor 
performance statistics, which can lead to failure. Note: in practice your 
vehicles can only be armed with some of the weapons which they are 
capable of carrying, NOT all of them. (For more details about weapons 
and their abbreviations, see the WEAPONRY section below). 


(Dunno why but none of the length, wingspan etc.. values are included 
 in the original docs. Please dont think im just too lazt to enter em hehe)

Weapons: Ta/A-M/VVG/Ma/Mi


The CM is a replacement for the GBS Mobile Command System. Both 
aircraft are based on the Airborne Warning and Control Centre 
(AWAC), built by Boeing for the United States of America in 1977. It is 
intended that the version for use in real battle scenarios will carry a 
crew of ten SimTech operators 


The Command Module is used to carry out airborne surveillance, 
control and command simultaneously. A pair of nuclear-powered retro-
thrusters allow it to achieve great speeds, and it is kept airborne by a 
computer-controlled anti-gravity hovering system. Its short wingspan 
and huge bulk (three times the size of other vehicles) make it an 
unwieldy craft to fly. In order to increase its radar vision (five times 
greater than that of any other vehicle in this simulation), it has of 
necessity a reduced armour coating. This makes it vulnerable to 
enemy attack, and so it is equipped with a full complement of 
defensive and offensive weapons - even so, protection in the form of 
additional air support is advised. In effect, all communications and 
information go through the Command Ship, which makes it the most 
important vehicle in the simulation: if it is destroyed, your training 
mission/full simulation is immediately terminated. 

The CM is based at the Head Quarters of your Defence Complex, and 
its main uses are as follows: 

1) As an information/command link to the game world: you are able to 
   control all of your 16 additional craft from here. 

2) As a refuelling/rearming ship: it can gather supplies from a factory 
   unit and place them on the landscape (ready to be picke~ up by 
   another vehicle). 

3) As a large mobile radar station: when placed in an advanced 
   position on the simulation map, it allows you to view a large number 
   the enemy's advancing craft.

Weapons: Tr/AM/Ma


The history of the airborne attack fighter dates back to balloons and 
blimps, but the most direct link the ATTF has with the past is the jet 
fighter, created by Heinkel in 1939. This Air Support model is a more 
powerful and manoeuvrable version of the GBS Attack Fighter. The 
real aircraft currently under development will either be able to carry 
two operators - a navigator and pilot - or feature remote control. 


A lightweight aircraft with excellent response and sharp (one 
kilometre) turning circle, made possible by its novel articulated rear 
wings and a pair of tail rudders. It is powered by a single retro-
thruster and has medium strength armour-plating - however, its most 
useful form of defence will be in avoiding attacks altogether and 
striking before the enemy strikes it. As you would expect, this is the 
fastest vehicle in the fleet and therefore the most useful in 
emergencies - for example, when your key installations or equipment 
are under attack. It is capable of carrying up to eight missiles 
(Tracking or Wire Guided) and a single Maser unit. Special attention 
must be paid to refuelling: because it can travel great distances at 
high speeds, it needs to collect fuel on its waypoint course. This makes 
the positioning of factory modules by the Command Ship critical. 

Weapons: Tr/Wg/Ma


Armoured vehicles have been with us for millennia, but the first 
recognisable tank' was built during the First World War, back in the 
Twentieth Century. This Main Battle Tank is a development of the 
MSC's early Armoured Battle Tanks, with stronger armour plating 
and (more importantly) increased manoeuvrability. 


This is one of your most important attack craft, a slow-moving but 
highly accurate ground vehicle able to defend against invadRrs, 
provide support for your Multiple Missile Launchers and launch 
attacks of its own against all ground targets. It features twin 120mm 
Rifled gun turrets for extra firepower, excellent armour plating, a low, 
trim body shape and a T-101 hover-track for increased speed and 
manoeuvrability. Weapons and defence systems include an anti-missile 
missile launching bay, Track and Wire Guided Missile bays, a gunner's 
sight, wind sensors and advanced radar. Up to four missiles and 40 
shells can be carried. The MBT cannot pass over excessively 
mountainous landscapes or large areas of water. 

Weapons: Ma, Mines


Spy vehicles are crucial to the success of any campaign, and are one of 
the oldest components of any armoury. Their history is too long and 
complicated to explain here - you are advised to consult MSC's The 
Origin of Military Hardware (latest edition, 2059). 


This vehicle is the fastest of the ground-based attack craft, with 
lightweight (but poor) armour and an excellent radar. Like the MBT it 
cannot pass over mountainous landscapes (unless you provide a breach 
in the mountain for it), but unlike the MBT it is perfectly able to travel 
over water at high speeds when not fully laden. Its function is a 
combination of advanced warning of enemy approaches and the short, 
sharp elimination of radar modules and mines. Its only defence is a 
Maser unit, so great care is needed when controlling this vehicle. 

Width :
Weapons: WG


Missile Launchers were first successfuily used in the late 1900s, but 
none of them were capable of the accuracy or flexibility of today's 
models. This MMLS is an experimental version, currently under 
development at the MSC HQ in Eastern Europe. As such, there is 
little information or advice we can give you, except that you try the 
system for yourself. 


The most striking feature of the MMLS is its extremely poor armour. A 
more adequately defended version is under development for ASBS 
V2.0, but in the mean time current technology only allows MSC to 
send out a virtually undefended system. Its launching tubes are 
mounted on the back of an armoured vehicle and are capable of 
releasing up to 20 long-range missiles at once. Its Tracking missiles 
will home in on any designated target and should provide the best 
options for occasions when swift, multiple strikes are required. Like 
the MBT, it cannot pass over mountainous terrain or water, so a path 
must be carved (using other vehicles) through heavily defended or 
awkward terrain. In automatic mode it will fire missiles at the last 
two waypoints you select from the Main Map Screen; after which, if 
still intact, it will turn around and return to the Defence Complex for 
rearming and refuelling. 

As explained above, weapons are limited in use to certain types of 
craft, and even then those vehicles will only be able to take a selection 
of arms from those available, due to weight, fuel and manoeuvrability 
considerations. All weapons can be manufactured at short notice in the 
Defence Complex. 

All missiles are provided with a bank of sensors which allow them to 
hug the landscape until a line of sight is established with the target. 

Standard tracking missiles: if they see an enemy vehicle they will 
head straight for it. 

Simulation Technicians please note: the GBS HM-117 Homing Missile 
has been replaced by the WG-1 Wire Guided Missile. This can be 
piloted from the Command Module control screens: it features a video 
unit mounted in the nose cone and a relay/tracking computer guidance 

Use this to defend particularly against the enemy's MMLS units and 
their own Defence Complex Missile Command Posts. 

Missiles apart, the trainee is able to access a trio of other weapons and 
equipment, all of which represent the latest in MSC technology. A
more advanced version of the Mine is currently under development - it
will feature increased range for sensing enemy craft, radar invisibility
and localised (directional) explosions. 

Rapid firing but relatively weak: many direct hits are required to
destroy an enemy vehicle. However, a single direct hit will destroy 

These small, explosive devices can be placed anywhere on this
landscape by the Command Module (CM). Use them to form an 
effective wall of defence around your Complex, or scatter them 
randomly to create havoc in enemy ranks. Mines automatically self 
destruct when opposing vehicles come within range. 


Enemy capabilities have been designed to simulate the variety of real 
engagements. According to the difficulty level selected (at random) by 
the mainframe, your opponent can vary from a slow-moving, poorly 
defended and reasonably intelligent commander to the kind of enemy 
that a trainee should pray he/she will never face in a real life 
situation. On a practical level, the quality of your adversary's 
hardware in this simulation is roughly equivalent to your own 
(although not exactly the same). The purpose of this is to ensure 
flexibility: a real-life battle will offer the kind of unquantifiable and 
unanticipated opposition you will face in the Air Support Battle 
Simulation. The real enemy - whether it be from the Northern or 
Southern Hemisphere - will undoubtedly possess sophisticated 
weapons systems. 

For this reason information on your opponent in the simulation has 
been deliberately suppressed: it is the responsibility of every trainee to 
discover the quality of the enemy for themselves, and to infiltrate his 
defences as quickly as possible. 

One final point: the only constant factor in the Full Simulations is that 
everything from the terrain to enemy strength is variable. You will 
face everything from relatively flat plains to huge mountain ranges. It 
is therefore vital that you establish visual contact as soon as possible, 
so that you know what you are up against. The following list will give 
some clues, but the rest is up to you. 


Little is known about the enemy's airborne control centre, except that 
its size is equivalent to the trainee's own Command Module. 


You can be certain, however, that eliminating this craft will have 
severely debilitating effect on your opponent.

The enemy equivalent to your ATTF is reputedly as manoeuvrable, but 
its shape is fundamentally different from your own: Reports indicate a 
shorter body length and extended wingspan. 

Width : 

All military commanders take armoured land vehicle warfare very 
seriously indeed: your opponents' tanks are modelled on twentieth 
century equivalents, with a heavier and less streamlined shape than 
the MBT, and with a single forward-mounted turret. 

Width : 

Nothing is known about the technical specifications, but you may 
assume that it has similar qualities of lightness and speed as your own 
RECO vehicle. 

Width : 

No information available except for the following dimensions: 

Width : 

As with the enemy's field equipment, weaponry is a largely unknown 
quantity. However, you can be certain that your opponents in all the 
Full Simulations will possess missiles capable of locking onto your 
vehicles, anti-missile missiles, lasers and (possibly) mines, as well as 
the usual radar pods - the strength and accuracy of these will be 
determined by the skill of the enemy commander. It is wise to treat all 
enemy threats as potentially dangerous, whatever the level of the 
opposition - ignorance of any invader could be fatal. 

Our aim is to keep Military SimTech Command at the forefront of 
battlefield simulation technology, whilst making such technology 
available to all at an affordable price. However, such realism does not 
incorporate compensation schemes: trainee SimTech employees are 
reminded that MSC disclaims responsibility for any personal physical 
or mental injury or loss of status resulting *om the use of the ASBS. 

Air Support Keyboard Controls

ESC - Exit to Map Screen.
F1  - Low Detail.
F2  - Head up Display.
F3  - High Detail.
F4  - 3D Low Detail.
F5  - 3D High Detail.
F6  - Inside/Outside View.
F7  - Camera Pan Back.
F8  - Camera Pan In.
F9  - Camera Pan Left.
F10 - Camera Pan right.

-   - Decrease Craft Speed.
+   - Increase Craft Speed.

W   - Weapon Select.
P   - Pause.

Enter     - Mouse Control Toggle.
Left ALT  - Target Cycle Forwards.
Left Ami  - Target Cycle Backwards.
SPACE     - Fire Current Weapon.
Right Ami - Target Cycle Forwards.
Right ALT - Target Cycle Backwards.

		Alternative Values for Function Keys.


                |   F1     |     F2   |    F3    |    F4    |    F5    |
Main map Screen | Craft    | Waypoint | Complex  |  Options |          |
                | Control  | Control  | Control  |          |          |
Option Panel 1  |          |  Build   |  Grids   |  Section |   Info   |
		|          |          |          |   Cons   |          |
Option Panel 2  |	   |   ISO    |  Scape	 |  Height  |    N     |
Panel 2 - Low   |	   |	      |		 |	    |    NW    |
Complex Panel   |	   |   HQ     |  GEN     |  Factory |  Missile |

                |   F6     |    F7    |    F8    |    F9    |   F10    |
Main map Screen |          |          |          |          |          |
Option Panel 1  | Fast Map |  Relief  |          |Options 2 |   EXIT   |
Option Panel 2  |    E     |   S      |    W  	 |Options 1 |   EXIT   |
Panel 2 - Low   |    NE    |   SE     |    SW    |	    |   EXIT   |
Complex Panel   |  Radar   |  Select  |          | Display  |   EXIT   |

 Greets To : 2tuff, Rygar, Scooter, Brynn Rogers, Baser Evil, Deadbeat,  
             Loons, Pazza and everyone else that ever did a DOC!!.       


Mr Creosote

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