Label Magic

by Guzzardo (22 Mar 2004)

Label Magic, as I’m sure you have guessed by the title, is a small program for making labels.

Released by
Joseph Albanese 1991

It’s really nothing special; it allows six lines of text on each label, along with your chosen icon to place on the far left side of the label. The program comes with several prefab icons, but you could probably come up with better ones. That’s why Label Magic comes with an icon editor. The editor is also a very simple program; it allows only 50x50 pixel monochrome icons. It will allow some mouse operations, and it’s drawing tools are limited to a circle creator, but, hey, it’s better than nothing, right. Oh, and, don’t get any ideas about importing icons from another program; Label Magic’s icon format is proprietary. You are also given the option of skipping the icon in favor of more space for text. Well, I would tell you more, but the program is so simple that there’s really nothing else to say.

TGOD button #1 TGOD button #2